Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #21

Use either Photostory or Audacity to create a podcast (you will need to link the podcast) or vidcast and post it in your blog along with your thoughts about using this kind of technology.

I do not at all feel comfortable posting my voice on the internet, even for something such as this, so I chose to record a music stream instead. I am hopeful this will be acceptable.

My thoughts about using this type of technology? I think it's fine if someone wants to broadcast something all over the internet, or use it as a way to get information to their students, but I personally don't feel comfortable putting my voice on the internet.

Here is the link to the podcast I put on Switchpod. I hope it works:

The Best is Yet to Come - Michael Buble
The Best is yet to come sung by Michael Buble off his cd "Call me irresponsible".

I wasn't sure if I was going to be penalized for doing the above, so I went ahead and created a photo story with the audio file in the background to show that I did indeed do as much as possible with the assignment without using my own voice.

I have tried and tried to embed a link to my photo story here but it won't go through. Sorry about that, guys!

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